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The House Of Cards

Lynda Corrado

While theory is crucial for comprehension, it is the application of theory in real-world scenarios that truly gives it significance. As a student in a Psychology Graduate Program specializing in Organizational Behavior, I have had plenty to contemplate. Although I have gained valuable experiences, the absence of theory has extended my learning curve.

For our assignments, we are tasked with utilizing theories and applying them to an organization we have personal experience with. Although my time with my previous organization has come to an end, I can still draw upon my knowledge from working at AT&T and my involvement on a local Planning Commission. However, my main focus lies in analyzing the federal government as an organization. My goal is to utilize the theoretical knowledge I am gaining and provide insights on how I believe we can enhance our government to benefit everyone.

This essay delves into the theoretical knowledge gained from the reading material this week, which focuses on the various factors that have an impact on the actions and words of individuals. In other words, why do people do the things they do. Furthermore, it examines how these theories can be applied in the realm of effective leadership.

I will focus primarily on the members of Congress, including the Speaker of the House, who is considered the leader in terms of managing legislative affairs. From my observation, this particular branch of our government appears to be the most chaotic and unruly. Therefore, my goal is to utilize the knowledge I have gained from my readings, internalize it, and apply it in a constructive manner. This approach ultimately aims to bring about positive outcomes for the people represented by these officials, benefitting you, the readers, and myself.

Leaders possess the ability to shape how their constituents perceive their surroundings, thereby exerting influence. By establishing expectations and offering rewards that align with their organizational objectives, leaders can cultivate motivation. It is the duty of leaders to ensure a robust connection exists between the needs of representatives and the rewards they receive. This involves enacting bipartisan legislation that benefits the majority of citizens, as opposed to engaging in insider trading or pursuing personal wealth. Moreover, it is crucial to establish a clear correlation between performance and rewards, while fostering a strong alignment between representatives and their job responsibilities. When these aspects harmonize effectively, motivation to attain goals is heightened.

In times of difficulties, it is of utmost importance to thoroughly analyze the statements and actions of the leader. The leadership should comprehend the motivations of the representatives and guarantee that their words and actions are in line with the representatives’ objectives. It seems that they are aligned with the small minority of the majority party who promote extreme measures that only serve their own interests and the few constituents who support their radical ideas.

All Representatives make deliberate decisions regarding their behavior. They assess whether exerting a certain amount of effort will lead to a specific objective. They evaluate if the reward justifies the effort. Additionally, they compare their own efforts and rewards with those of others to ensure compatibility. These judgments are formed based on the representative’s evaluation.

David McClelland, a renowned psychologist, put forth a theory that highlights three fundamental motivations individuals require: the need for affiliation, the need for power, and the need for achievement. Studies have revealed that most people possess these three motives to a certain degree, although the intensity and dedication to each may differ. Nevertheless, one drawback of the affiliation motive is its emphasis is on attaining security and preserving strong relationships in order to evade rejection.

From what I’ve observed, it seems like they have embraced groupthink, which holds sway over the remaining members who align with the minority within the controlling majority (led by a Leader influenced by an external force). They perceive this as their source of influence. Consequently, we find ourselves in a situation where an extreme left faction opposes an extreme right faction. This leaves a small group of individuals who prioritize governance from a more moderate standpoint, representing the majority of constituents. However, their power and voice seem to be diminished because they refuse to cross party lines and form a centrist coalition. Yet.

The power discussed in this context refers to the capacity to influence and guide individuals with similar beliefs in order to obtain control. Consequently, there are two groups contending for power. It is evident that while these competitions for power and the yearning for association are thriving, the drive for accomplishment is lacking. As a governing body elected to represent the people, they have achieved very little. According to McClelland, the negative aspect of this desire for power is a self-centered, unsocialized, and focused on personal dominance.

Fact: It is a well-known that the environment and past experiences can have a significant influence on productivity and behavior. These assumptions are fundamental to process theories, which aim to explain how personal and environmental factors interact to shape behavior. By understanding these theories, leaders can gain valuable insights into how to effectively motivate their teams.

In my opinion, our current leader possesses great leadership abilities, with one exception. It seems that his words and actions, as we discussed earlier, have a profound impact on the entire team. A minority within the majority tend to cling onto his words, using them as validation for their own behavior, which contradicts the essence of true leadership. It appears that manipulation may be the underlying cause of this situation.

I have exclusively focused on the negative factors that, in my opinion, are impacting the group as a whole. The insufficient legislative output necessary for propelling the country’s progress closely ties to these concerns.

According to McClelland, affiliation refers to the need for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. Power, on the other hand, involves using authority for the benefit of others. Achievement is about setting goals and continuously striving to improve. After analyzing these positive definitions, I have reached the conclusion that in order to make progress and move legislation forward in a positive direction, new leadership is necessary. Alternatively, a complete shift in attitude could also be beneficial. This shift will empower individuals to embark on the challenging journey of advocating for positive legislative changes.


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