Laws of morality that are determinable through human reason are referred to as natural law. According to moral philosophers, these laws exist independently of man-made law. a supreme law.
Legal traditions are founded on the philosophy of natural law. Natural law is a set of rules in politics and law dictated by a higher authority than that of the state. The aim is to protect personal rights from being infringed by other people, countries, or governmental entities.
Social customs and conventions are safeguarded by natural law for individuals and governments alike. The aim is to establish an ethical code for regulating interactions among people, using the principle that positive laws are simply an expression of the preexisting social norms and natural laws. While natural law gives people guidance in their pursuits and relationships, it doesn't generate universal accord. Human behavior does not always rely on rational and deductive thinking.
According to Thomas Aquinas, a medieval philosopher, a human-made rule is lawful only if it agrees with natural law. A law that is biased is not a true law. Those who view laws as inequitable to oppose them can use this.
A member of the Society of Jesus taught this to me at the University of San Francisco. The learning in my ethics course had a profound effect on me, leaving me captivated.
Additionally, we analyzed how natural law is a common element in all religions. This knowledge provoked passion within me. I remember the day vividly, along with the seat I occupied and the priest's position directly in front of me.. Until
At the close of the semester, the Catholic clergyman taught us that the Roman Catholic Church was the one true Church of God.
I displayed my first act of defiance. At that instant, I questioned how one could state that as a fact. My grade plummeted from an A to a D- in a flash. I was unable to let go. After all these years, the disbelief from that event still lingers with me.
I was recommended to watch the television show The Chosen, which inspired me to write this post..
The television show portrays the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The series revolves around the life of Jesus and his encounters with his followers and others.
The story arc differs from earlier portrayals of the Messiah as it centers more on the individuals who met him and their perspective of him. Jesus is shown in a more "personal, intimate, and immediate" way.
I don't see myself as a religious person. I lost my interest in religion after taking my social ethics course. I had a brief period of contemplation about joining an order during the transition from high school to college.
My mind was made up after meeting my husband. My undergraduate education impacted me significantly. I thought, why bother watching this television program.
I'm also feeling deeply affected by this. From my viewpoint, this is not a faith-based narrative. I recognize the humanity, kindness, and worth of the message given to us in the past. I am able to relate to it now.
My private journey is not something I'll share. But I do want to share these thoughts about leading. Another issue that I have a strong opinion on.
My emotions towards God are a mixture of sadness and anger. The question is, where can we find great leadership? Jonathan Roumie's portrayal of leadership is exceptional, as he strongly relates to his character.
Where is that person?
Coleman, Jules L. “On the Relationship Between Law and Morality.” Ratio Juris 2, no. 1 (1989): 66–78.
Finnis, John. Natural Law and Natural Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.
George, Robert P. Natural Law Theory: Contemporary Essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992